Monday, April 26, 2010

Good Professional Luuuuuvin!

We've all heard that stay-at-home mom, mother always said, day-time talk show, cliche phrase "You can't love anyone until you learn to love yourself". Guess what, it's true! Not only is it true in relationships , but it's something we as professionals tend to forget in BUSINESS!
Many times we get so used to the daily grind of soliciting business and sales by "showing love" to clients and potential business contacts, that we forget to show love to our own career.

Take your profession out for a spa day! Here are a few tips that can rejuvenate your business.


We're well into the second quarter people...make sure you sit down and evaluate how the last quarter went and where you plan to go from here. Detoxify your client roster, your digital rolodex and remove projects from your desk that won't benefit your future plans. A business detox is necessary to eliminate all the toxic junk, all the paper, and all the people who are in the way of your success. Refocus and re-plan your career moves for the year.


Is it time to refresh your brand? Show your business some love by upgrading and polishing your branding and marketing materials. Take a look at your business card, your brochures, flyers, promo cards and your website--it may be time to switch it up! You may even want to give yourself a new look to go along with your new brand. Do you need a new corporate picture to replace that company photo that looks nothing like the new you?

If you employ a designer for your branding and marketing collateral make sure you select a creative team that understands your vision and demonstrates the ability to make your message shine.


Chaotic space makes business waste! Stop fooling yourself into believing that it's okay to work in your own organized chaos. If you're working that well in junk, imagine how well you could be doing if you took the time at least once a week (or every other week for those who just can't find the time or discipline to do it weekly) to organize your workspace. Designate 15-30 minutes to rummage through your madness and get everything in the right place.

It honestly feels great to know that everything is filed out of your sight until you need it, paper scraps and old correspondence are in the recycle bin or shredder, your cute paper clips and Post-Its are neatly put away and all is well with the world it makes you feel all professional and stuff.


Our careers need love too and lots of it, so schedule a regular spa day for your business life. DO IT NOW! Set your business spa day every quarter or at the very least every six months. It will keep you in check with your ever-growing career and ultimately the business benefits can help you grow professionally. After all, you can't show love to anyone else's business until you learn how to love your own.

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